Working closely with dedicated suppliers Thorbjorn, Gadus and Enniburg, further underpins our ability to consistently provide customers with quality assured FAS fillets from the clear, cold waters of the North Atlantic.
The sustainability policies promoted by the Icelandic and Faroese governments, fully backed by scientific research and careful monitoring of the MSC have resulted in fish stocks, particularly cod, increasing to levels not seen for decades. It is estimated that Icelandic cod stocks are now at a record high. This is your guarantee of continuous supply for generations to come.
XpressFish have been my sole supplier of superb quality Thorfish for the last 10 years. I am totally convinced that sourcing from MSC certified fisheries is at the heart of the ‘Whitehead’s’ taste”. The key to our business growth is to keep customers coming back for more, so consistent supply of superior quality cod and haddock in the quantities we need is a top priority.
XpressFish’s commitment to only supplying the finest quality, sustainably sourced seafood makes them the natural choice of wholesale supplier. The quality of their products is consistently outstanding and they always go out of their way to ensure they meet your every need. I can’t recommend them enough.